Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Case of Identiy : Third Sherlock Holmes Story in Assamese:

Miss Mary Sutherland lives with her mother and step-father. They, particularly her step-father, who is just 5 years old to her, is overtly protective of her mixing with other people. But, fate has it that she meets a clerk in a ball and falls in love with him. Everything goes well except that her groom vanishes on the wedding day on the way to Church. She turns up at 221 B, Baker Street asking for help. Holmes listens to her story but disappoints the grieved girl by telling that she should forget the man forever, as he is not going to return. Another failure of Sherlock Holmes? Yes, he failed in giving back Mary Sutherland her lover because he knew something more sinister was going on that even law can't put its hands on.

So, here is the third story from Adventures of Sherlock Holmes for you to enjoy in Assamese. If the page has not opened here click the following link and you can read the story in Scribd.
The sketches are the original Sydney Paget sketches for Strand Magazine.

A Case of Identity: A Sherlock Holmes story in Assamese

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